Buddy Program

Welcome to the Buddy Program!

The Buddy Program at Oconee Fellowship exists to see the restorative reign of God's grace impact members of our community who have or love someone who has neurodivergences and/or special needs by helping them enjoy, embody, and extend the gospel in every season and sphere of life.

Specifically, we currently offer a Buddy Room for those who need to experience God's grace and His gospel in a way that differs from sitting in the worship service on Sunday mornings. We have volunteers (adults and teens) who oversee our buddies and engage them with fun sensory toys, tools, and activities and read a Bible story together from a children's Bible. We also welcome neurotypical children to join us to show God's love to our buddies by playing and interacting with them.


Sunday Worship:
The Buddy Program is offered each Sunday morning during the entire worship service only, Check-in starts at 10:20am.

What to Expect

During the Buddy Program time, we build floor puzzles, play with interactive sensory toys, throw cloth frisbees, play make-believe, and engage in lots of other fun activities to keep our bodies moving! We devote a section of our time together to learning about Jesus through a Bible story and loving others well by interacting with them with kindness.

Buddy Program Leader

Donna Rae Woods
Donna Rae Woods

Contact at donnaraewoods@gmail.com

Volunteer with the Buddy Program

Adults who wish to volunteer with the Buddy Program must complete the one-hour Ministry Safe training that Oconee Fellowship requires for all adults to be able to work with children in church settings and events. They must have a clear background check and they also must complete a brief orientation session with Donna Rae Woods to learn more about the specific needs of our buddies and the specific ways we minister to them and their families.

Teens who wish to volunteer with the Buddy Program must have a clear background check and complete a brief orientation session with Donna Rae Woods before beginning their volunteer work with our buddies.

Complete the interest form here.